Dear Travelers: Please be sure to check in your 3-Excess [size, weight and piece] luggage. 1. How do you know if your luggage is "3-Excess" luggage? You can check the luggage allowance, size standards and other relevant airline requirements on the ticket purchase website or consult with the airline or Hefei Airport Customer Service (Te...
尊敬的旅客: 乘坐飞机出行时,请旅客务必为自己携带的[超大、超重、超件]行李办理托运手续。 1. 如何知晓自己的行李是“三超”行李? 旅客购票时可在购票网站查看自己所购机票的行李额度、尺寸标准等是否符合航司对行李携带进机舱的相关要求,或咨询航司与合肥机场客服(0551-63777888)了解相关信息,也可在办理值机时咨询工作人员。 2. “三超”行李会给飞行带来哪些危害...